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dimanche 9 avril 2017




No waffly introduction this week. First, because I might get sidetracked and never get down to brass tacks, and then, more important I want to pump you up to celebrate ' Reach as High as You Can ' Day.
Never heard about that ?

Well, don't worry ! I won't ask you to jump on a trampoline and catch some rays of golden sun : you would burn your fingers and I would be awfully sorry. I won't ask you, either, to climb up the highest ladder you can get at the local DIY shop and touch up the Sistine Chapel ceiling : you might get big-headed and no longer read my blog, then. Poor me !

Relax ! Nothing neckbreaking or wacky ! Far from it ! On ' Reach as High as You Can ' Day, the only thing you have to do when you wake up is to think that the sky is the limit and stick to it all day long.
You'll see that once you've tried, you'll be looking forward to next year to celebrate it again !
It is on April 14th, but after all, if you really enjoy it, why not forget the exact date and celebrate it every day !

Still wallowing in self-pity and not that enthusiastic ?
Here is a prescription I found out on the Web. It doesn't have side effects, so it can be renewed as many times as you want to.
Here it is :

Let the good times outshine the bad times
Let the laughter drown out the tears
Let the light chase away the darkness including all your fears
Turn your pain into strength and smile for you are alive,
Making all things possible, but only possible if you try !

Don't get me wrong ! It's not a prescription to live in La La Land, it's just to make the most of each day, be at ease with yourself, and, of course, ready to follow my adventures (charity begins at home 😊 ).

So now, to help you cross the street and walk with me on the sunny side, let me tell you something.

Do you remember the sugar-free diet I challenged myself with last September ?
No ?
Well, have a look at the post ' Sugar-free Birthday ', and you'll see what a brave girl I was !
Brave and  a wee bit unconscious, too, cause giving up my sweet cravings was far from being a walk in the park. I should even say it was an everyday battle.
Come on, don't laugh at me !
Let me remind you that I live in Brittany, the Kouign-amann and pancake country, which means temptations on every street corner !
Anyway, I managed to turn up my nose at the local bakers and pastry-makers trying to 'bribe' me with special offers and free samples.

But the leopard can't change its spots, and since last September, as I have a sweet tooth,I have fallen off that diet wagon every now and then.
How many relapses ?
...I'd prefer to keep that close to the vest, but, let's say that their number left me a bitter aftertaste. A sweet one would have suited my tastebuds better, but guilt never tastes nice, does it ?
Even worse, I think it weighed me down, cause, little by little, hopping onto my diet bandwagon again seemed just wishful thinking.
Why the heck do minute candies, tiny cookies and mini scoops of ice-cream weigh much more than hearty chicken breasts, huge portions of French beans and enormous apples ??

I was about to sink into that sugary rut, when, a couple of week ago, I was thrown a kind of lifeline ...

I was leafing through a magazine in the dentist's waiting-room, when I came across an article about the damage of sugar on your body. The list was endless, and fortunately the dentist called me before I had finished reading about that sneaky health-killer, otherwise I would have needed a stretcher to get back home !
Anyway, one milk tooth out later*, I thought that that article was a warning, of course, but a blessing, as well : somebody somewhere was taking care of my health and I had to show how grateful I was.

So, once more I have hauled myself up onto the sugar-free diet bandwagon.
My tastebuds are still longing for some sweet stuff, but I stay tough.
Since I started that sugar rehab, Dearhubby has stood by me and done his best to rock my detox and fire my sweet tooth. I think he will master the art of spotting hidden sugar before I really bid farewell to that straight-up poison.
Don't get me wrong ! I know I have made the right decision, but the road is paved with temptations...

First, within a few days Easter will be in full swing, and I think we are never too old to go on an Easter egg hunting, are we ?
Then, trickier than the rest : yesterday I received a mail from the local supermarket that said that, by drawing lots, I had been awarded a prize to be fetched on Friday April 14th. Guess what !!!


Hardly had I read that mouth-watering mail when my tastebuds started getting ready to melt chocolate and slide it gently down my throat.
Suddenly,the date to fetch my sweet prize rang a bell.

April 14th was  ' Reach as High as You Can ' Day !!

Heck, when for once I had won something, I was doomed to turn it down !

But just a glance at the sunny side and I realized that I was offered a foolproof way to check that if I try hard, almost anything is possible : even refusing to wolf down a chocolate rabbit !

Don't get me wrong : I am not a happy bunny, but :


That's all for this week !

Enjoy ' Reach as High as You Can ' Day !

BTW : I am always thrilled to bits to read your comments on :

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