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vendredi 23 mars 2018


Here in France, Daylight Saving Time starts tomorrow, which means sunset and sunrise will be one hour later.

The good thing? There will be more light in the evening.
The bad one? One hour sleep less, and losing an hour in Spring often leaves us drowsy and in search of the miracle recipe to get some beauty sleep.

To make sure you don't spend restless nights, tossing and turning in bed, with your mind racing and making mountains out of molehillls, here are a few tips I have tested for you.
They may not give you a better sleep, but they will help you look on the bright side of things, and keep smiling throughout the night.

Avoid big meals at night : last time I tried to eat earlier and healthier, at midnight, I had to head for the kitchen to grab some cookies. Half a yummy packet later, I was feeling better and ready to polish off a bowl of nuts. Then, a mixture of guilt-cotaed tongue kept me awake till dawn,so...

Drink some herbal tea after dinner : chamomile or passion flowers are anything but soothing beverages for me, cause, if travel broadens the mind, nightime trips to the bathroom narrow my sleep expectations seriously!

Once in bed, avoid bright light : wise tip, but dim light gives me a good opportunity to test my skills at making funny hand shadow puppets on the walls of my bedroom. I am better and better at that game, but worse and worse at playing the Sleeping Beauty waiting for Prince Charming, aka Dearhubby , to wake me.

Count sheep : easier aid than done. The word  'sheep' is invariable, so quite frustrating not to make the difference between one and dozens! And on top of that, I have never been good at calculus, so after a while it's a complete shambles, and I usually resign from my shepherd's temp job.

Read a book, but nothing exciting : to stack all odds in my favour, once I decided to read again the fairy tale ' Goldilock and The Three Bears ', and you know what?
Two hours later, I woke up in a sweat. I had dreamt there were three bears in my garden and I coudn't go out!

So I guess now you realize you can't count on me to get foolproof tips and tricks to better sleep.

Oops, are you still awake, or have you fallen into a slumber due my chitchat?

Anyway, I hope that tonight you'll sleep like a baby.

                  Lullaby, and good night
                 In the sky stars are bright
                 Close your eyes, start to yawn
                 Pleasant dreams until the dawn

                     (Brahms's Lullaby)



1 commentaire:

  1. I was reading your article and wondered if you had considered creating an ebook on this subject. Your writing would sell it fast. You have a lot of writing talent. Nap
