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vendredi 30 novembre 2018


I'm a chronic klutz, I mean, I stumble, drop or spill things at least every single day.

I'm so clumsy that I could trip over my own shadow, and the expression " to be all thumbs " really fits me like a glove (a special one with sheathes only for thumbs, of course!).

Well, to be all thumbs can be useful for hitchhiking or gardening (as long as all those thumbs are green), but otherwise it can turn everyday life into an obstacle course!

After years of stubbing my toes on any and everything, I know the best ointment and band-aids like the back of my hand (even if , due to my clumsiness, the back of my hand is often scratched , bruised or burnt).

Dropping glasses don't upset me any more, cause, thanks to years of field training I master the art of picking up the splinters without snipping off my fingers, or at least just slightly.

Spilling wine, coffee or chocolate on a spotless tablecloth has taught me that most of the time it's no use crying over spilled milk... or any other liquid, either.
I say " most of the time ", cause once I pretended to be skillful, but a single wrong move and I spilled the beans, and the coffee, as well…

We had guests at home and I had managed to serve all the meal quite smoothly. 
At coffee time I still had everything under control : really a red-letter day!
I was about to pour coffee into the cups when a friend asked me about the brand of my coffee pot.
I guess I was so focused on concealing my clumsiness that suddenly my mind went blank. No way to remember the name!!

Who, then, said the brand is often written on the bottom?? No idea!

The only thing I can remember was my arm suddenly getting out of control and turning the coffee pot upside down to check the brand, and shoes soaking up all the hot beverage!!!

You see, I'm so clumsy that when it comes to ending up a blogpost, I always stumble over ... words, and today no change, so I hope you will forgive my awkward end! Thanks in advance!

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