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vendredi 15 février 2019



When speaking a foreign langage,  it is not always easy to find the right word to express yourself.
Whenever it happens, keep calm, breathe deeply, and try to find out either a synonym or a simpler way to explain. Sure, you'll get out of it !!
I know what I am talking about because years ago I experienced such an uncomfortable situation. 

As you know, I am French and at the time I was a beginner in English.
It was the very first time I was staying with an English family for a whole month, and it quickly  turned out that my " really? ", my " how  nice! "  peppered with loads of " umms " and " uhhs " were not enough to make conversation.

To crown it all, the family had a daschund and in those days I was scared stiff of dogs.
That "good boy" (as the lady called him) was over the hill and had a nasty temper (due to rheumatism? My foot !!)
I guess he felt my fear and tried to increase it by growling at me whenever we were in the same room. Even when his "mum" scolded him ("naughty boy" was the worst humiliation), the cheeky four-legged sausage kept humming his war tune at me !

Well, one evening we were having dinner, and while the lady had gone to the kitchen to fetch a jug of water, I started dealing with my veggies...
A lot has been said about English flashy green peas, but not enough about English boiled potatoes ! They are strong-tempered, and cutting them can sometimes turn into a hard-fought battle.
So, there I was, when suddenly the blade of my knife slipped on the hot potato and sent it straight into the dog's basket. Immediately the growling went off ! For once, with good reason ! Sure, being hit by a boiling hot potato was painful !
But when the lady came back from the kitchen and heard her little devil, she flared up and said that enough was enough, and that he would spend the night in the kennel outside !!
I wanted to explain it was my fault, but then I got stumped for words  
and I let the alleged culprit be dragged outside, whereas I could have said :
" There is a hot potato in his basket" or " A hot potato has landed into his basket".
A bit weird, but it would have saved an innocent !

So, remember my mishap, and when stumped for words, think it is a matter of life or death, rummage in your toolbox and take out your survival kit !!
The sky is the limit !!

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